
Beauty Queen Is Not Harvard Student

Pageant Winner Denies Recent Reports

Miss Massachusetts, Jo Ann Savery, is not a Harvard University junior, contrary to an article that ran in Monday's Boston Globe.

"I'm not enrolled there-and never have been, "Savery said yesterday. Savery took four courses in the extension program during the 1978-79 school year, a representative from the extension course office said yesterday.

Savery said that she is a full-time model with the Hart Agency, adding that she has been a professional model for over a year.

Savery listed "student" as her current pursuit on her pageant application. Susan Wasserman, coordinator of the pageant, said yesterday.

"I am as guilty of believing the newspapers as anyone," Wasserman said, adding that she was under the impression that Savery is a junior at Harvard.


Contestants in the pageant were judged on poise, beauty, and personality, Wasserman said, adding that if the biographical information on Savery is wrong, it will be corrected, but will not affect her Miss Massachusetts status.

Allan R. Andrews, the Boston Globe reporter to whom Monday's article was attributed, said yesterday that he got the story straight from the United Press International (UPI) wire. A spokesman for UPI said yesterday that "no newsman went out there."

Wasserman said that the newspapers must have assumed Savery was a junior because of her age, adding that Miss Massachusetts does not have to be a student.

"I talked to 100 or 200 people and nobody asked about my school," Savery said.
