
Capital Campaign

PROVIDENCE, R.I.-Brown University's capital campaign recently topped the $100 million mark, bringing it two-thirds of the way to its $158 million goal.

The campaign--the largest in Brown's history--has received 27 "leadership gifts" in excess of $1 million. Most gifts have come from individuals and only 20 per cent from corporations and foundations, Robert Sieple, vice president for development, said last week, adding that, "We have gone through only 10 per cent of our top prospects--there is still a lot of potential."

Sieple said breaking the $100 million mark is "psychologically significant." "We thought the first $50 million would be easy to raise. The middle 50 is what we were concerned about," he added.

Brown's endowment--the lowest in the Ivy League--was worth just under $100 million at the start of the capital campaign, and is now worth close to $150 million.


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