
Azelby Paces Defense

Football Notebook

Some leftovers from Saturday's 27-10 win: Joltin' Joe Azelby once again led the Crimson in tackles. The sophomore linebacker recorded seven unassisted and helped out on three others. Tom Clark, Louis Varsarres and Chris Myers each chipped in with five solo jobs and one assist.... Sophomore quarterback Donnie Allard played the last 1:26 and moved the team from his own 44 to the Cornell 28 before time expired. Most of that was a 22-yard keeper around right end. Mike Ernst also saw action in the final minute, carrying once for nine yards.

Cornell grad Ed Marinaro was honored at halftime as the Ivy League Player of the Era, meaning the best player in the league's 25-year history. Several Harvard alums made the All-Era squad, including Pat McInally, who did first-team double-duty at split end and punter...On hand for the festivities was Ben Mintz, longtime Cornell SID. "Eddie was one in a million," said Mintz about Marinaro.


Princeton's Cris Crissy '81 has found a spot in the NFL. A middle-round pick by the Patriots, he was cut along with Harvard's Brian Buckley in training camp. This week, Crissy latched on with the Washington Redskins and will dress for next week's game with Miami. In other Princeton news, former quarterback Mark Lockenmayer '81 tried out with the New York Giants but was not signed. Instead, he has inked a minor league baseball contract as a pitcher. For some reason, Princeton comes up with its quarterbacks from the ranks of its pitchers--witness Bob Holly, this year's signal-caller.


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