
We Want Elvis


To the Editors of The Crimson:

In a recent article on the Student Assembly sponsored concert this coming weekend, Mark Urfirer expresses his dismay and surprise at the lack of student interest in the event. While I share his dismay, believing too that a regular rock venue at Harvard would be a valuable asset, I do not, however, share his surprise.

Mr. Urfirer and his fellow organizers seem to have forgotten (amnesia perhaps?) the basic requirement for a successful concert, that is, hiring a band that people will pay money to see. The choice of a trivial, second rate group of musicians to headline a major concert is baffling. Why, when Brown can attract acts like Little Feat and Elvis Costello, do we have to settle for a nowhere act like Pousette-Dart Band. (Who knows who we will have next time. Petula Clark? Or maybe even Sean Cassidy?)

I congratulate the organizers on at least recognizing the potential for having rock bands at Harvard. It would be a great pity if the failure of this event will prevent future concerts from being organized. If left in the hands of students who are obviously out of touch with the present rock scene and with student demand, then the future does not look bright. Michael Smitt '81
