
Dining Hall Workers to Resume Talks

University, Union Will Probably Negotiate Next Week

Contract negotiations between the University and the union representing Harvard's dining hall workers, stalled since the opening bargaining session April 9, will probably resume next week.

The first meeting between the University and Local 26--which bargains for the dining workers--ended after Edward W. Powers, associate general counsel for employee relations, rejected the union's demands and did not forward a counterproposal.

Since the initial session, union officials have said they could not reopen negotiations until Powers set a date, while Powers has said he thought Local 26 should take the initiative. Although no date has been set, the two sides agreed yesterday to convene after Richard W. Coleman, attorney for Local 26, returns from vacation next week.

Fred Walden, vice president of Local 26, said yesterday the union will stick to its original list of demands, including a 20-per-cent raise, improved fringe benefits and additional holidays.

"We're willing to negotiate--we have to see what Powers has to offer," Walden added.


Powers said he has not decided whether he will present a counterproposal or the details of any possible offer.

"The University sounded as if it's willing to bargain, but we're not sure whether it's sincere or another tactic," Edward B. Childs, chief shop steward for Harvard's Local 26, said yesterday.

The University originally offered a three-year contract with successive 10- 9- and 8-per-cent wage increases, but the dining hall workers voted down the proposal in March. The union's current contract expires June 19.

The Harvard Police Association, the Maintenance Trade Council and the Harvard University Employee Representatives Association all settled with the administration for the "10-9-8" contract.

Powers characterized the union's list of demands as "unrealistic," while Local 26 termed Powers's attitude "hostile" after the first round of negotiation.

Walden said he thinks Powers will make him an offer at the next meeting, adding, "I wouldn't want to venture what will happen if he doesn't."

Although the union has not considered the possibility of striking, dining hall workers have grown impatient with the bargaining delay, Childs said.

The dining hall workers will release a statement on the status of the negotiations today.
