
More Than $1000 Raised for Poor In Harvard Fast

More than 1000 students participated in a fast last night organized by the Harvard Hunger Action Committee.

University Food Services will donate 95 cents to the committee for almost every student fasting--a total of almost $1000.

The committee will donate the proceeds to Rosie's Place and Pine Street in Boston and Shelter Inc. in Cambridge, Colette Creppel '82, chairman of the committee, said yesterday.

Spokesmen for the three local agencies said yesterday their activities provide emergency relief for the underprivileged in the form of free meals, clothing and temporary housing.

In addition to the donations by the food services the committee will give $300 it received from student contributions, Kreppel added.


The fast is the second of the Organization's two annual fasts. The $6000 in proceeds from the November effort were sent to aid Cambodian refugees.

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