


To the Editors of The Crimson:

While Mr. Huntsman is entitled to his opinion (Mail, April 14, 1980), his accusations that I slanted the presentation of the news in my coverage of the Emeka Ezera trial by changing the facts are totally false.

I did not say that Judge Elam "ducked" a difficult trial. The news article (April 4, 1980) says. "The delays subsequently resulted in a postponement, which moved the case from the docket of Judge Harry P. Elam, a Black judge, to the afternoon session under Judge Charles Grabau, a white judge." I also do not feel that because Judge Grabau grew up in Cuba, he is Hispanic.

I suggest that Mr. Huntsman make the distinction between misrepresentation of the facts by the reporter and interpretation of the facts by the reader. Brenda A. Russell
