
Classics Continue Success

The Harvard Classics, successfully exhibiting the virtues of team basketball, possess the best seasonal record (23-4) of any basketball squad at Harvard University.

Existing in relative anonymity within the Harvard community, the senior-led Classics squad does not view basketball as a high-pressure experience. Instead, Coach John Harvey's team looks upon their brand of the sport as an entertaining diversion from the academic pressures of life at Harvard.

Consiting of ex-varsity players, former prep stars and others who just don't have the time or inclination to play Ivy League basketball yet want a better brand of play than intramurals, the Classics offer an alternative.

Team Play

"We try to deemphasize the importance of individual achievement in our program," Harvey says. This is exemplified by the fact that the only statistics we keep are team oriented."


Six seniors have led the way as the Classics have defeated NCAA Division III, community and junior college opponents.


The primary forces behind the success of the Classics are seniors Frank Konstantynowicz and Tom Russo. Playing in their second season with the squad, these veteran performers are the workhorses of the squad.

"I don't think there are two more dedicated individuals," Harvey said.

Junior Billy Murphy and senior Bill Aulet fill the role of catalysts. Murphy, known for his rugged exploits under the boards, is a key performer during international contests.

Hit Me

"He loves physical contact and in the rough international game his play is a real asset to us," Harvey said. Aulet, the back court mate of Konstantynowicz, is an aggressive and basketball-smart athlete who has been a key factor in the success of the squad.

After completing their regular season the Classics are now preparing for a nine day tour of Cuba. Arranged by the U.S. State Department, the 17 member team will play three games in the Havana area and conduct three free clinics for players and coaches on the island during Harvard's spring break.

Professor Harvey

"We really enjoy the teaching part of our trips, and we are able to learn about the social aspects of the country while we teach basketball," Harvey said.

Pleased with his squad's performance, Harvey is also content with the low-profile which has team maintains within the University. "We truly don't want to detract from the varsity program. We want to compete and exist right along with them," the coach said.
