
Professor Says Quake Victims Need Outside Aid Immediately

For Dante Della Terza, professor of Romance Languages and Literatures, the earthquake which struck southern Italy nine days ago has been a personal tragedy. The quake leveled his hometown of Sant Angelo dei Lombardi, killing one-fourth of the town's inhabitants.

"When I dream, I dream of there," Della Terza said yesterday. "I know everyone in the town and everyone who died. A whole part of my life has been razed."

Although Italian and American authorities have mounted relief programs for survivors of the earthquake, Della Terza emphasized that many survivors still need supplies and shelter.

"Money, blankets, and other goods must reach the population as soon as possible," he said, adding, "In many towns, people have lost everything. The area is one of the poorest in Italy, and much of it is high in the mountains. Snow will be coming soon. Without help, I don't know how people will survive."

Della Terza said he felt it his "duty" to alert the Harvard community to the extent of the suffering in Italy. He urged those who wish to help to contact the American Red Cross in Boston.


Saying Americans are "easily moved" by events such as the disaster in Italy, Della Terza voiced confidence in their willingness to help out. "Once contacted, I have no doubt that people will do their very best," he added.
