
Student Leaders Propose Changes in Kiosk Rules

Representatives of 24 Harvard student organizations voted yesterday to ask the dean of students for an immediate, two-week suspension of new regulations requiring organizations to display posters only on official bulletin boards and kiosks.

Seven of the students will meet tomorrow with Archie C. Epps III, dean of students, to request formally the suspension, which would last until the Committee on Houses and Undergraduate Life (CHUL) considers changes in the postering regulations at its next meeting on November 3.

Shopping List

The representatives at yesterday's meeting--an "open forum" sponsored by the Student Assembly--recommended five changes in University policy on advertising student activities for consideration by CHUL. The suggested changes are:

*Installation of more bulletin boards;


*Distribution of a weekly newsletter of student activities;

*Better maintenance of the seven kiosks in the Yard;

*Protection of the kiosks from wind and rain;

*and cancellation of any plans to install more kiosks.

Good Ideas From Ford

The representatives also voted to ask CHUL to disclose "whose idea the kiosks were, why they were so expensive. and where the money came from."

Several students at the meeting said undergraduate organizations should ignore the new regulations if CHUL does not adopt their proposals.
