
Div School Passes Resolution On Catholic Scholar's Censure

The Divinity School faculty last month sent a resolution to 17 theologians and religious leaders--including the pope--showing its concern for the Vatican's censure of Catholic theologian Hans Kung.

"We fear that restriction of the scholarship and teaching of this eminent theologian will silence an important Roman Catholic voice in the ecumenical dialogue," the resolution stated. The Div School faculty passed the letter at a special faculty meeting on December 21.


The resolution also said the Div School fears that such restrictions may hinder the atmosphere for Catholic theological work and endanger the preservation and promotion of Christian truth.

The school sent copies of the resolution to Pope John Paul II; Humberto Cardinal Medeiros, archbishop of Boston; Kung, and other theologians in the U.S., West Germany, and the Vatican.


George E. Rupp, dean of the Div School, said this week no one has replied to the resolutions except to acknowledge receiving them.

The Div School faculty has passed other resolutions, but only on University issues, C. Conrad Wright, professor of American Church History, said yesterday.

The Vatican told Kung last month that because his opinions vary from the true Catholic faith, he can no longer be considered a Catholic theologian. As a result, Kung will not be able to teach candidates for the priesthood.

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