
Racial Violence Hits South Boston High

BOSTON--Racial violence broke out yesterday morning at South Boston High School for the first time in two years as white teenagers threw rocks and metal belts at three school buses filled with black students.

Three passengers were injured during the incident, which resulted from a food fight in the high school cafeteria and an elementary school scuffle, administrators said yesterday.

Last Monday a black student at Tynan Elementary School stabbed a fourth-grade white student in the eye with a pencil.

After yesterday's school bus stoning, about 50 students refused to enter the school, but a police officer dispersed them, a school department spokesman said yesterday.



About an hour later, 50 white youths vandalized cars outside the Gavin Middle School. Later in the morning police arrested one of a group of white youths gathered in front of South Boston High School.

Police will remain on duty outside the high school for at least the next few days.

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