
Harvard Says Bye Bye Film


Take a movie crew, add some traffic jams and roadblocks, swirl it around with a touch of the sixties and top it off with a mound of plastic snow right outside Massachusetts Hall and what do you have? A University and a movie company that don't seem to mix.

Last Tuesday, the University asked "A Small Circle of Friends," a movie about a love triangle at the College in the 1960's, to pack up and move out because of complaints from faculty, staff and administrators.

The crew encountered various problems with the University from the start of its filming during spring break. An unidentified professor intentionally knocked over one of the crew's $150,000 cameras (it was caught before any damage occurred) when he saw an anti-war mural hanging on Memorial Hall.

Responding to additional faculty complaints, Daniel Steiner '54, general counsel for the University, expressed the University's disatisfaction with the mural to the company.

Rob Cohen '71, director of the movie, said this week, "The University's action was totally predictable. The character in the film says 'the more things change the more they stay the same.' How true."


The movie company intends to use locations at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Wellesley College and other area schools to shoot many of the exteriors they were unable to complete at Harvard.
