
Lesley Plans To Convert Two Houses

Lesley College will take at least two of the four houses it purchased from Harvard last week off the open housing market.

In a letter addressed to City Manager James L. Sullivan, Lesley executive vice president Robert D. Lewis said, "while some of the properties will continue to be used as rental properties for an indefinite period, two properties will be converted for use as office and student housing space."

Harvard sold the four units to Lesley for $375,000 in return for the chance to buy two units Lesley owned on Sacramento St., Lewis A. Armistead, acting community relations director for the University, said last night.

Harvard later decided not buy the Sacramento St. properties, Armistead said, adding, "Harvard was recognizing an obligation to help a sister institution."

The purchases were "consistent with Lesley's long-range goals to consolidate the college campus in the two block area bounded by Mass Ave, Wendell St., Oxford St. and Everett St.," Lewis's letter adds.


He added that Lesley is planning to divest its property holdings in other parts of the city.

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