
Volunteers From Each House From Food Services Committee

Student representatives from seven Houses met with officials from the Food Services Department yesterday to discuss the organization of a student committee on food services independent of the Committee on Houses and Undergraduate Life (CHUL) and other related issues.

The committee will meet informally once a month with at least one director of Food Services to improve communication between upperclassmen and the Food Services. Two volunteers from each house are representatives on the committee.

The idea for the committee originated last spring when a group of Leverett House students sent a letter to Frank J. Weissbecker, director of the Food Services Department, outlining several complaints about the Leverett dining hall and suggesting regular meetings between students and the Food Services. Wendy A. Horwitz '80, an organizer of the committee said yesterday. The letter suggested the group not be connected with the CHUL subcommittee on food services.

subcommittee on food services.



Weissbecker wrote letters earlier this month to the chairmen of all House committees suggesting such meetings and asking for representatives.

"No big changes are expected now," Horwitz said. "We want to establish communication lines with Food Services to avoid things like breaded dishes being served over Passover."

Besides the CHUL committee, the committee is the only organized group regularly discussing food service policy. But the Food Services officials have always encouraged students to talk with them or form a food services committee, Benjamin H. Walcott, assistant director of the Food Services Department, said yesterday.

"I hope during the course of the year a freshman committee will meet," he said.

Rob Rubin '78-4, a member of the CHUL subcommittee on food services, said yesterday he approved of the new committee. "I think a student committee can have a lot of input--all they need is a little initiative," Rubin said. He cited the improved salad bars in several Houses as an example of students' accomplishments.

Rabbit Food

Rubin said members of the CHUL subcommittee had already asked for help with research on the projects it is considering.

The committee briefly discussed yesterday use of Nestle's products, vegetarian menus, the distribution of nutritional information on entrees, alternate meal rates and lunch hours at the Houses, Danguole J. Spakevicius '81, a representative from Winthrop House, said yesterday.

The next meeting will be held October 4.
