
Fine Arts Professor to Leave, Takes Philadelphia Museum Job

Jean S. Boggs. professor of Fine Arts, will leave Harvard in January to become director of the Philadelphia Art Museum.

Boggs said yesterday "I'm both sad and happy," explaining that although she does not like leaving Harvard, she is glad to be returning to the administrative work she prefers.

"It's all very complicated, but I suppose it's true about my preferences. I certainly found Harvard students very likeable and interesting, however," Boggs added.

Oleg Grabar '50, chairman of the Fine Arts department, said yesterday he is disappointed to see Boggs leave, particularly because her departure will leave a major hole in the field of 19th century painting.



Boggs, who will continue to teach through the fall semester, was hired two years ago as a tenured professor after serving the previous nine years as director of the National Gallery of Canada.

She teaches several classes in modern art each year, the largest being Fine Arts 170, "Impressionism and Post-Impressionism."


Beth Mandelbaum, a graduate student in Fine Arts and one of Boggs's advisees, said yesterday "I found Boggs a terrific adviser -- she's been very receptive to my interests and ideas as a student."

Officials at the Philadelphia Art Museum could not be reached for comment yesterday, due to the city employee strike there.

Grabar said he is now considering replacements for Boggs and will concentrate his search in the fall.
