
Yesterday at Yale...


The Harvard baseball team extended its winning streak to six games with a crucial doubleheader sweep of Yale yesterday at New Haven.

Complete game victories for Timmy Clifford (4-2) and Steve Baloff (5-1) as well as rally-type offense all day propelled the Crimson nine to 8-5 and 9-0 triumphs.

In the first game, Mike Stenhouse's fourth homerun in as many games and a perfect three-for-three day at the plate by Mark Bingham helped pace a 14-hit attack for Harvard as Clifford scattered five hits over seven innings for the win.

The nightcap featured Stenhouse just missing out on another round-tripper, but that didn't matter, for Baloff was busy firing a two-hit, seven strikeout shutout in which he did not give up a basehit after the first inning. Charlie Santos-Buch and Bobby Kelley led the Crimson hit parade with three hits apiece.


The batsmen ran their first-place Eastern League record to 8-2, and with four games remaining in the league season, Harvard must take at least three to be assured of a post-season playoff berth.

The first of these remaing four game is against Brown tomorrow afternoon at Soldiers Field. Coach Loyal Park will hurl his ace Larry Brown (8-0) against the struggling Bruins in search of the team's seventh straight triumph.


Harvard's women's lacrosse came up against a talented and undefeated squad from Yale and fell victim to a 12-6 thrashing at New Haven yesterday.

The laxwomen never led in the contest, and after trailing 7-2 at the half put on some mild pressure before succumbing. Sarah Mlezcko had four goals and freshman Sue St. Louis notched two to represent Crimson scoring on the afternoon.
