
Linksters Wallop URI, Southern Connecticut; Dale, Fitzgibbons and Alexander All Shoot 76

Having synchronized their swings in the Big Three meet on Thursday, the Crimson linksters continued to gyrate with lyrical accuracy yesterday and left URI and Southern Connecticut State following the bouncing ball at the Point Judith Country Club in Naragansett, R.I.

Jim Dales, Spence Fitzgibbons and Glenn Alexander carded a trio of 76s on the scenic seaside links that look like a Watteau watercolor spread on a rather large canvas. Alex Vik and Chip Raffi went around in 82 and George Arnold and Ron Himelman both shot 84.

Rea of Hope

Southern Connecticut's number one man Billy Rea played the role of the Pied Piper with a four-over par 75, one stroke ahead of the Crimson troika. Another Southern Connecticut player strung together a 74 but was officially ineligible to play because of his transfer status.

The linksmen shot a team aggregate score of 392 while URI logged a 399 and the boys from Connecticut posted a 403. The victory was particularly encouraging because URI is well-nigh invincible in the briny ocean breezes that strafe Point Judith.



Dales was swirling his irons with a ragtime rhapsody to the piping winds and looked like he would run away with individual scoring honors. Then his putting touch began to unravel and he missed a slew of putts by about the width of a gnat's eyelash.

After shooting an impeccable 36 for his front nine, the wheels came off George Arnold's game as they say in golf lingo Arnold piled up 48 strokes on his second nine for his 84.


The Harvard scores are all the more commendable because balls plugged in the sodden fairway so the linkster got no rolls on the lengthy links. On the par four fourth, Raffi needed a drive, four-wood and a wedge to get home.

"I don't hit the ball long enough to make pars there," he said. Raffi did make a birdie on the par three 12th when he drained a transcontinental putt.

"Frankly, I think they (the opposition) were a little surprised when we came in," said coach Bob Donovan. After completing this week's arduous schedule with an unblemished 7-0 record, though, the Crimson golfers proved they can carry a winning tune.

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