
Wesleyan Sit-In

News Shorts

Wesleyan students ended their 90-hour occupation of university President Collin G. Campbell's offices yesterday morning after reaching a verbal agreement with Campbell on the mandate and membership of an ad hoc committee which will be formed to study Wesleyan's investment policy in South Africa.

Campbell agreed to choose the four students on the committee from a list of nominees submitted by students organizations, Todd D. Schlossberg, a South African Action Group (SAAG) member, said yesterday.

Two of the students appointed to the committee will be SAAG members, he added.

The charge to the committee is to study the feasibility of divestiture he said, adding that the mandate of the original committee did not mention divestiture.

From the point of view of the administration, nothing was changed and no concessions were made, Alphonsus J. Mitchell, director of public information at Wesleyan, said yesterday.
