
Flag Theft

News Shorts

One Brown sophomore played a new version of flag football at last Saturday's football game when he stole the 25-ft.-by-50-ft. Harvard flag, which usually flies above Soldier's Field during games, and hung it from the flagpole at Delta-Tau, a fraternity at Brown.

"That's his hobby. He steals flags wherever he goes," Tomoo Misaki, a member of Delta-Tau, who refused to identify the prankster, said yesterday.

Misaki said the student who stole the flag, worth about $150, went up to the top of the stands just before the end of the game when Harvard was still leading.

He reportedly told the Buildings and Grounds worker who takes care of the flag that the defensive line coach had instructed him to take down the flag early because he had heard a rumor that some "lousy Brown fan" would steal the flag if Brown lost.

Thomas F. Bechtel, associate dean of Brown, said last night he will "take steps to return it as quickly as possible."
