
Oxfam Fast Draws Student Support In Anti-Hunger Fight

Over 1850 Harvard students have signed up to participate in a nationwide "Fast for a World Harvest" sponsored by Oxfam America on November 16, Marie L. Korn '79, on organizer of the Harvard fast, said yesterday.

Korn, a member of the Harvard Hunger Action Project, said, "I was kind of hoping that we'd hit 2000 but I'm still definitely happy about the students' participation." The number of students signed up for the fast this year represents an increase of nearly 250 participants over last year.

A Lack of Awareness?

Korn added she felt the increase would have been even greater freshmen had been better informed about the Oxfam fast. Harvard Food Services will contribute 95 cents to Oxfam for each student who does not eat in the dining halls on November 16.

John P. Catalini, Boston area coordinator for Oxfam, estimated yesterday that 70 per cent of the approximately $1800 Harvard will contribute to Oxfam will go directly in Oxfam project work around the world. The remaining 30 per cent will be spent in promotional campaigns to encourage awareness of world hunger.


Anne A. Maccoby '82 said yesterday she is participating in the fast because, "It is a good thing to feel what hunger is, to understand it. The distribution of food throughout the world is so unfair."

Others were more cynical. "There may be no one in the Union in the Houses but business in Harvard Square is going to be booming." said Elana J. Shavit '82
