
Democratic Club Changes Vote, Chooses New Vice President

The Democratic Club last night elected Brad F. Artson '81 vice president by a one vote margin, reversing October's election results, which were nullified because of claims that non-members voted.

Members of the club's executive committee yesterday agreed that the election of Daniel C. Esty '81 in October resulted from confusion over whether or not members were required to pay the $2 dues before voting.

"It was absolute negligence on the committee's part for not making clear the requirements," Tamera M. Stanton '79, president of the club, said yesterday. She added the committee should have taken steps to prevent those "members" who had not paid their dues from voting.

Never Again

"This time we're not screwing anything up," Stanton said during her introductory speech at the meeting last night. The club checked each voter's name against a membership list this time to insure the validity of the results, she added.


Other club members, however, believed the mix-up involved more than mere negligence on the part of the executive committee. "There was so much mismanagement, it's beyond the point of believability," one club member, who asked not to be identified, said yesterday.

"I signed up to be a member of the club at registration, and although I offered to pay my dues then I was told to wait until someone came to my door during the registration drive. In fact, I offered to pay several times after that and was told not to worry about it. Then, all of a sudden, I found out that I shouldn't have voted," the club member said.

Kathy Duey '79, president of the Republican Club, said yesterday. "I'm kind of sympathetic, but I'm glad it happened to them and not to us."
