
Crunch Bars

News Shorts

The candy stand run by Harvard Student Agencies (HSA) in the Freshman Union will stop buying Nestle's candy in response to student demands for a boycott of Nestle Corporation products, David A. Weiss '80, manager of the stand, said yesterday.

Harvard students joined a nation-wide call for the boycott to protest Nestle's marketing practices in underdeveloped countries.

Critics say Nestle encourages women to buy formula which they do not need and which may lead to malnutrition in their children.

Weiss said he will sell the Nestle products he has in stock, but will not order any more. "I think American consumers have too little say in the products they buy, so I'd like to go along with the boycott," he said. "I'm also worried about losing business," he added.

Dan Delvecchio, general manager of HSA, refused to comment yesterday.


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