
Coalition to Take Action Against MBTA Extension

The Redline Alert, a coalition of three groups of Cambridge residents opposing the planned subway extension, voted last night to take legal action against the Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority (MBTA).

Spokesmen for the coalition said last night they will try to get a court to block construction until the MBTA conducts a new Environmental Impact Study (EIS) on its construction plans.

Silvio J. Scaglione, moderator of last night's meeting, said the last EIS, completed in August of 1977, is now completely outdated because the MBTA has made major changes in its construction plans.

Cambridge Mayor Thomas W. Danehy, who appeared at last night's meeting, said he supported the efforts of the anti-extension groups.

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Spokesmen cited several flaws in the EIS, including outdated information on the proposed Alewife Parkway station, increased congestion in construction areas, and differing methods of subway construction that the MBTA has proposed.

Gregor I. McGregor, attorney for Red Line Alert, told the group, "You are not just the typical citizens who can be counted on in every case to scream. You have a bona fide case if you choose to present it in court."

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