
CHUL Poll May Decide Hot Breakfast Controversy

A survey being taken by the Committee on Houses and Undergraduate Life (CHUL) may determine whether or not the University will offer hot breakfasts in all Houses next year, a student member of CHUL, said yesterday.

William T. Prewitt '79, North House CHUL representative, said Dean Rosovsky has told an ad hoc CHUL subcommittee that if the results are overwhelmingly in favor of hot breakfasts for all Houses, the University will strongly consider providing them, but would have to increase board costs by $13 to $20.

If the results are mixed CHUL will move cautiously and probably advise Rosovsky to lengthen the breakfast hour at the cold breakfast houses without increasing the board costs, Meg Lesser '78, Leverett House CHUL representative, said yesterday.

Prewitt said he believes the survey will show students are interested in alternate meal plans. He also said that he disagrees with people who say that alternate meal plans are impossible at Harvard because of the house system.

The survey asked students whether they would prefer purchasing meals individually, two meals a day for five days a week only, or the current three meals a day seven days a week.


The results of the survey will be tabulated by next Monday when CHUL is scheduled to discuss what advice it will give Rosovsky.

The survey also dealt with security and was primarily intended to help the Harvard Police with their University-wide security reassessment. The reassessment began after the rapes of two Leverett House women last fall.

Bradley G. Behrman '78, chairman of the Leverett House Committee, said that in his House the security has been upgraded by placing security guards in the lobby of the towers and at the main entrance to the house and by improving the lighting around the house.

Another additional security measure being considered is adding another shuttle bus and extending the routes of the shuttle to give better service to the River Houses, to give better service to the River Houses, Behrman said.

Additional questions on the survey concerned fire safety measures, specifically whether each room had adequate access to a fire escape, and how easily the windows could open in case of an emergency.

The fire safety questions were intended to make students "think twice about putting a book case in front of a fire door," Prewitt said.

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