
Outside Funds Are Scarce For New Sports Complex

Donors have pledged less than half of the $30 million needed to build and endow the Soldiers Field athletics complex and if the fund drive does not pick up in the next few months, the University will have to provide the money to complete the project.

John P. Reardon '60, coordinator of the athletics program, said yesterday that donors have pledged less than $14 million, which does not even pay for the first phase of the complex currently under construction.

Harvard's desire to increase the availability of athletic facilities to all members of the Harvard community, as well as federal regulations that require equal access for women to the facilities, make the Soldiers Field plant a University priority, several administrators have said.

Each branch of the University manages its finances individually but the Harvard Corporation may decide to loan the necessary funds to the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Thomas O'Brien, acting financial vice president, said yesterday.

The first phase of the complex, which is the first major sports construction at Harvard since the '30s, will cost $17 million and will include a track and tennis hall, a swimming pool and women's locker facilities. Stage Two will include a $5 million hockey arena, auditorium and Varsity Lounge Club complex, a new gymnasium and renovation of existing facilities.


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