
$4 Million Granted To Kennedy School

The Ford Foundation will grant Harvard $4 million for the creation of a Center for Science and International Affairs at the Kennedy School of Government, Ira A. Jackson '70, associate dean of the Kennedy School, said yesterday.

The center, which will advance research, policy assessment, and teaching in the fields of international security and arms control, will be the first of six major research centers to be created within the Kennedy School, Jackson said.

It is hoped the center will "function as a hub" for a University-wide public policy program which will bring together faculty members from a number of departments, Graham T. Allison '62, dean-designate of the school, said yesterday.

The new center will be based upon the Faculty's current Program for Science and International Affairs, which has focused on international military policy issues, Jackson said.

Paul M. Doty, director of this program, will become head of the new center. He said yesterday he hopes the center will be able to train individuals to deal with international issues in their professional lives. The center will also strive to analyze the shifting patterns of world military force and attempt to reduce the emphasis placed by nations on military strength.


"I'd like to see nations competing in sectors other than military so we can concentrate on other aspects of the national character," Doty said.

"This is one of the largest gifts in Harvard's history and is tremendously timely and pivotal in the school's development," Jackson said. "The center will be a prototype for future centers at the school," he added.

President Bok said yesterday, "It's very important for the Kennedy School to create several research centers which will assist the work of its faculty."

Bok added he hopes the University will be successful in obtaining additional funding for the creation of centers to examine a number of other policy areas.

The publication of International Security, a quarterly journal that provides a forum for opinion and research on international security issues, will be another major activity of the center, Doty, editor-in-chief of the journal, said.

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