
Yale Invites Rosovsky

Yale University has asked Dean Rosovsky to be its next president, the Washington Post reported this morning.

The Crimson learned of the Post story late last night.

The Post reported that although Rosovsky has declined comment, sources close to Rosovsky said last night he is seriously considering the offer but has not yet decided whether to accept it.

Rosovsky was interviewed in Washington, D.C. last week by members of the Yale corporation. At the time, two other candidates were also interviewed.

As dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at Harvard since 1973, Rosovsky has won national prominence for his two-year-old review of undergraduate education.


Rosovsky also has a reputation for fiscal conservatism. He has brought the unwieldy faculty budget under control during his tenure in office, and Yale administrators may be counting on him to do the same for their school's finances.

Yale search for a new president began last spring when Kingman Brewster departed to become U.S. ambassador to the Court of St. James.

Hannah H. Gray, Yale's provost, became acting president when Brewster left and was considered a top candidate for the post. But early this week she accepted an offer to become president of the University of Chicago, an apparent indication that her prospects at Yale had diminished.

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