
Seven Sister Reps To Exchange Ideas At RUS Meeting

Student government representatives from all but one of the Seven Sister Colleges will attend a conference sponsored by the Radcliffe Union of Students (RUS) this weekend, the president of RUS said yesterday.

A total of 19 representatives will come from Barnard, Mount Holyoke, Smith Wellesley and Vassar to attend the conference, Susan Comstock '78, RUS president, said, adding that Bryn Mawr is not sending delegates for lack of transportation funds.

The conference is a semi-annual event conducted at each of the Seven Sister colleges on a rotating basis. Its goal is the exchange of information about student governments, Comstock said.

Saturday's events will include workshops on such topics as relationships between student governments and boards of trustees, women's athletics and women's studies, lasting from 10 a.m. to noon at the Hilles Library Conference rooms, followed by an ethnic dance session in Currier House at 2 p.m., Mary E. Stokes '78, treasurer at RUS, said yesterday.

President Horner will lead a discussion among the representatives at Lowell House at 3:30 p.m.


Ruth Hubbard '45, professor of Biology and women's rights activist, will lead an informal dinner discussion about biology and women's issues at 5 p.m. at Currier House.

Saturday's activities are open to all Radcliffe students, Comstock said.

"The conference is great for exchanging ideas," Comstock said. Students participate in meetings of Barnard's board of trustees, she said, adding, "These conferences are good places to find out how they did it."
