
Currier Fire

About 200 people evacuated Currier House early Sunday morning, because of a small fire caused by an apparent act of vandalism.

"A clipboard on the wall next to the Gilbert elevator caught on fire," Michael R. Moynihan, resident tutor, said yesterday, adding that he thought someone had set the fire with a match. Moynihan said he pulled the clipboard off the wall and stomped on it to put the fire out.

"The smoke alarms were already ringing by the time Moynihan saw the fire," Frank N. Yellin '80, who helped Moynihan put the fire out, said yesterday. "Three fire trucks and firemen with hatchets arrived very quickly but it was all over," Yellin said, adding "it was no big deal."

"The fire department has no comment," said Deputy Timothy O'Donnell. "We get this kind of foolishness all the time," he added.


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