
Yale Students Ask Vance For Strike Solution

Yale student groups supporting the university's striking maintenance workers will continue their efforts this weekend by asking Secretary of State Cyrus R. Vance, an officer of the Yale Corporation, to recommend a solution to the strike, and by backing the picketing of the Harvard-Yale game.

The Coalition for a Just Settlement will ask to meet with Vance to devise a plan for bringing about negotiations between the workers and the Yale administration, Bennet Pudlin, a law student at Yale and spokesman for the coalition, said last night.

Approximately 100 Yale students and faculty will join the service and maintenance workers Saturday afternoon in picketing and distributing informational leaflets at the Yale Bowl and the Whiffenpoof concert, Robert Blecker, a Yale senior and member of the Yale Student Strike Support Committee, said last night.

Many Yale students became increasingly supportive of the striking employees as the Yale administration became more adamant in refusing to turn the dispute over to an outside arbitrator, Becker said.

Albert R. Dobie, director of university operations at Yale, said yesterday the "union will come to the table when they realize that we won't give in." Dobie said the picketing strikers would not cause major problems at the Harvard-Yale game.


The Yale Student Strike Support Committee is now drafting a letter that would urge students not to pay their board fees for the spring semester, Becker said.

The striking employees may set up 24-hour pickets at the university's power plants in an attempt to discourage the delivery of fuel oil to the school, Pudlin said.

Many Yale students contacted yesterday said the strike has harmed social and academic life at Yale by closing the dining halls and discouraging lecturers from speaking on campus
