
Freshman Marathon

Evangeline Morphos, Senior Advisor of the North Yard, is seriously waking up at five o'clock every morning, quaffing eight raw eggs, and following a Stallone-like regimen of conditioning that ends in an heroic sprint up Widener's steps.

Morphos's training dream is inspired by the upcoming Freshman Marathon, tentatively scheduled for October 16.

The four mile run, brain-child of Henry C. Moses, dean of Freshmen, is "an occasion to bring freshmen together and give them something to shout about," Moses said yesterday.

Though he finds "no heavy philosophical purpose behind it," the marathon may end with a picnic and music, Moses said.

Don Juravich, coordinator of freshman intramurals and organizer of the event said yesterday that it is "designed to be non-competitive" in the grand tradition of the Adams House Raft Race; prizes will be awarded in approximately analogous categories.


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