
New Program Will Induce Freshmen To Dine at Houses

The freshman dean's office will offer special House events to induce groups of freshmen to visit various Houses.

Under the proposed program, the dean's office will divide freshmen into groups of 100 to 140, composed of smaller groups from various dorms, who would eat dinner with House masters and members of the senior common rooms and participate in House activities prearranged through the House committee.

Henry C. Moses, dean of freshmen, said yesterday he will finalize details of the plan after he meets next Thursday with House committees to discuss how they could become involved in the program.

Moses said yesterday that proctors will probably consult with House committees to decide dates for the events and encourage their freshmen to attend the voluntary events.

Partly a response to suggestions from members of the Committee on Housing and Undergraduate Life (CHUL), the program will encourage freshmen to take weekend meals at the Houses in order to help reduce Freshman Union overcrowding on weekends, Moses said.


Last year the Union was closed on the weekends and freshmen took all meals at the Houses.

William T. Prewitt '79, North House CHUL representative, said at Monday's CHUL meeting that because the proposed program for this year will not be mandatory, he doubted freshmen would eat meals at the Quad or Mather House.

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