
Student Lobby Asks CHUL For Approval

The Committee on Houses and Undergraduate Life (CHUL) will consider the charter of the Study Lobby, a student advocacy group concerned with University issues, at a CHUL meeting this afternoon.

Most CHUL members contacted yesterday said the charter, in its revised form, would pass, making the Lobby an official, rather than an ad hoc, University organization.

The executive committee of CHUL last week objected to sections of the charter which made the Lobby a liaison between those students on student-faculty committees and all other students. The charter also would establish the Lobby as a channel for student response to those committees.

Organizers of the Lobby have removed these sections from the final draft of the charter and included them in the group's by-laws, Laura E. Besvinick '80, a Student Lobby member, said. CHUL only votes on items written into an organization's charter.

"Anything that looks like student government would have to go before the full faculty," not just CHUL, Besnivick said.


CHUL does not want the Lobby's charter to give the impression that it is the only official student liaison, Joseph Savage '78, a CHUL member, said.

The Study Lobby organized "Eat-in" protests of the Fox dining hall plan last week. It is planning a survey to find out what issues most interest students, Shelly Burtt '80, another Lobby organizer, said yesterday
