
Iceman Host St. Larries; Moes, Curlies Uninvited

The last time that Harvard and St. Lawrence squared off in hockey, this year's seniors were freshmen and this year's freshmen were sophomores in high school.

The last time that St. Lawrence defeated the Crimson in hockey, this year's seniors were having Bar Mitzvahs and this year's freshmen were asking their mothers where babies come from.

Tonight at Watson Rink these teams resume a series which currently stands at nine victories apiece with two ties thrown in for good measure, and while past history is no help in forecasting the outcome of this contest, recent history is.

On and Off

While Harvard has played on-again, off-again hockey during the first half of the season, the Larries (no relations to the Moes and the Curlies) have been on against non-ECAC competition, but quite off in the games that count.


They have yet to record a triumph against eastern teams, and rest comfortably in last place in ECAC Division 1 with an 0-5 record, 4-7 overall.

In its most recent performance, St. Lawrence placed second to Boston University in the ECAC Holiday Festival at Madision Square Garden. And whom did the Larries beat in order to gain the finals? Bowdoin, a Division 2 team, of course.

Heavy Weight

The Crimson, though, cannot afford to take this game lightly, because with a 3-4 Division 1 record and a 13th-place standing, Harvard cannot afford to take anyone lightly these days. Too many more losses and it will be a long March in Cambridge.

Exams Coming

This game not only marks the first contest of the new year, but also the last Harvard home contest after dark until February, and a lot of things can happen between now and then. Like exams.

So take a study break tonight and sample the atmosphere at Watson Rink. If you miss this Harvard-St. Lawrence affair, you might not get a chance to see another one until your son's Bar Mitzvah.
