
Drama Group Loses Power Over Loeb

The Faculty Theater Committee, which oversees the Loeb Theater, voted last week to revoke the power of the Harvard Dramatic Club (HDC) over applications for the use of the main stage of the theater.

The decision was prompted by a visiting committee's report, which apparently found the HDC acted as a barrier between student theater groups, including Black CAST, and the Faculty Theater Committee, Mark Brewer '77, an HDC member, said yesterday.

Under the present system, the HDC screens applications for the use of the mainstage, and takes approved applications to the Faculty Theater committee, which is composed of Loeb staff members, Faculty members and the HDC president.

New Set-up

Jean Bruneau, chairman of the committee, proposed at a meeting last Wednesday that mainstage applications go directly to the committee. The proposal, which had not been previously announced, passed unanimously.


Bruneau said yesterday the proposal will eliminate tensions between students by placing decision-making completely in the Faculty committee's hands.

Alison H. Clarkson '77, HDC president, said yesterday the dramatic club objects to the theater committee's decision because it will cut down student participation in decisions regarding the use of the Loeb.

Clarkson said that although she voted for the proposal at the committee meeting last week because it will cut down student politics at the Loeb, she believes the committee should establish a student subcommittee to insure student input.

Other HDC members said yesterday the club objects because many of the Faculty members on the theater committee are unfamiliar with students and the activities of the Loeb, and do not realize the amount of time they could spend reviewing mainstage applications.

"We've got to protest for their own sake if nothing else. They would flounder around and get bogged down without some kind of subcommittee helping them," one member, who asked not to be identified, said.

Lisa Popick '77, another HDC member, said yesterday members of the HDC will meet with Bruneau today to discuss the possibility of changing the composition of the theater committee to include approximately two Loeb staff members, two faculty members and three students.

The Faculty Theater Committee will make its final decision at its next meeting, February 24, Clarkson said.

Members of Black CAST yesterday declined comment on the issue.
