
Vorenberg Withdraws Himself From Chief Justice Contention

James Vorenberg '48, master of Dunster House and professor of Law, withdrew early this week from serious consideration for the post of chief justice of the Massachusetts Superior Court, a State House aide said yesterday.

Daniel A. Taylor, legal counsel to Gov. Michael S. Dukakis, said Vorenberg had asked that "his application be placed on a back-burner."

Vorenberg would not comment about his withdrawal.

Vorenberg felt that although he had many strengths, the combination of his lack of recent trial experience and his position as an outsider to the Superior Court would hinder his ability to perform as chief justice, Taylor said.

Vorenberg has not tried any cases since 1964.


A nominating committee created by Dukakis recommended six men for the chief justice spot: four Superior Court justices, Vorenberg, and Assistant Attorney General Robert M. Bonin.

"All six men had been under serious consideration for the post at one time or another," Taylor said.

Taylor added that the likely nominee for the post is Bonin, whose name was the only one Dukakis sent to the Joint Bar Association's committee for clearance.

To the Bar

The names of all possible nominees must be sent to the Joint Bar Association before they can be nominated. The governor can, however, nominate someone even if the association fails to clear him.

Archibald Cox '34, Loeb University Professor, was consulted earlier by Dukakis on the appointment.

The Crimson reported Tuesday that Cox favored Vorenberg. Cox could not be reached for comment yesterday.

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