
Minutemen Forego the Stadium

The Boston Minutemen, the Hub's entry in the North American Soccer League, has gone the way of the New England Patriots. The team has given up its plans to play at Harvard Stadium and looked for "greener" pastures elsewhere.

The Minutemen announced plans over the weekend to play most of their home games at Veterans Field in Quincy, ending attempts to reach a settlement with the University on use of Harvard facilities.

Up until April 12, five days before the home opener against Toronto, the Minutemen assumed that they would be playing at the Stadium.

However, a contract had never been signed, and Daniel Steiner '54, general counsel to the University, put a halt to opening day. The club had not "provided the financial security" considered desirable by the University, Steiner said yesterday.

A problem arose when the University sought compensation for loss of the Stadium's tax-free status, according to Steiner. He denied yesterday that lack of police security had provided an obstacle to agreement.
