
Ford Establishes An Advisory Office On Science Affairs

President Ford signed a bill Tuesday re-establishing the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, dismantled three years ago by former President Nixon.

The science office operated for a short period of time during World War II and was revived by President Eisenhower in 1957 after the Russians launched Sputnik I. During this period, George B. Kistiakowsky, Lawrence Professor of Chemistry, Emeritus, headed the science office as special advisor to the president.

Harvey Brooks, dean of the Department of Engineering and Applied Physics, said yesterday "I suspect that there will be some Harvard faculty involvement with the office." Brooks, speaking to Vice President Rockefeller and members of Congress last fall, urged the re-establishment of the science office.

Ford is soon expected to name a director for the office who will also serve as Ford's science advisor. Brooks refused to speculate on who the nominee for the post would be.

Margaret Earl, staff assistant for domestic affairs at the White House press office, said yesterday that in Ford's search for his science advisor, "defense-related issues are of great importance." Ford's decision to have Congress approve his nominee shows his intent to make the position a permanent part of the White House establishment, she said.


The office will advise the President on all aspects of science and technology, including energy, agriculture, medicine, the economy, the environment, and use of resources. It will also advise the National Security Council on military research.
