
Colt Switches To Mass Hall

Harvard's director of development will assume a new position this summer in a move designed to strengthen the University's fund raising capabilities, the University announced yesterday.

Henry F. Colt Jr. '46, director of development, will move to a newly created position of assistant vice president for alumni affairs and development on July 1.

Colt will coordinate President Bok's fund raising activities and help Bok maximize the effectiveness of his fund raising travels, meetings, and contact with alumni.

Best Skills

Dr. Chase N. Peterson '52, vicepresident for alumni affairs and development, said yesterday that Colt was chosen because "we needed someone with the best skills and contacts to work with Bok on major projects and maximize the efficiency of Bok's time."


A nationwide search is now underway for a new director of development. Peterson said that he is currently considering about 30 people and that the person chosen will be "the inside man, with the managerial skills and abilities to effectively coordinate the development office."


The new director will not necessarily be an alumnus, and could come from industry, business, education, or a fund-raising background, William S. Olney '46, director of special projects, said yesterday.

Olney added that Colt switched because "fundraising has become more complex and competitve. As the crunch comes we need to work harder and make better use of our skills."

Colt was in Pittsburgh last night and was unavailable for comment.
