
Kronauer Will Fill Adams Mastership Left Open by Kiely

Richard E. Kronauer, McKay Professor of Mechanical Engineering, has been selected as acting master of Adams House pending the pro forma approval of the Board of Overseers, Robert J. Kiely, master of Adams, said yesterday.

The Adams House master's position for next year became temporarily vacant last week when Kiely announced his plans to take a one-year sabbatical at Cambridge, England.

Kiely, who publicized the selection via notices to Adams residents, said that Kronauer has demonstrated his capability for the position through rapport with students and activity in House functions.

Kronauer said yesterday that he was "very pleased" with the pending appointment and that if finally approved he hopes to "keep Adams a happy and exciting place for people to live in."

Daphne T. Hsu '78, a member of the House committee, said that she "trusted Master Kiely's judgment" and had no reservations about the appointment.
