
Indian Repression

News Shorts

Five Harvard Faculty members yesterday endorsed a statement expressing alarm at repression in India and calling for the reinstatement of basic human rights.

George Wald, Higgins Professor of Biology, John K. Fairbank '29, Higginson Professor of History, Daniel Bell, professor of Sociology, Martin L. Kilson, professor of Government and Martin H. Peretz, lecturer on Social Studies, signed the statement in protest of restraints placed on Indian civil liberties by the government of Prime Minister Indira Ghandi.

The restraints, which include arrests without the right of habeus corpus of thousands of critics of Ghandi's government, press censorship and cancellation of national elections, were imposed during a state of internal emergency Ghandi declared last year.

Wald said yesterday he was glad to join a protest against infringements upon the basic rights of a democracy.

"A comparison between China and India says a great deal," Wald said. "China, with a tremendous population, is seeing to it that people are properly fed."
