
Hoopsters to Battle Syracuse In Hall of Fame Tournament

The Crimson cagers usher in the season Friday night when they tip-off with first year coach Jim Boheim's Syracuse Orangemen in the first round of the Hall of Fame Tournament in Springfield.

A highly touted U Mass quintet squares off with the University of West Virginia Mountaneers later in the evening.

With four of five Orangemen starters from last year suiting up, Harvard coach Satch Sanders feels "We're going to have to be at our best to best Syracuse. When you run into a club with a coaching change you really don't know what they're going to do."

In a crucial matchup, Crimson center Steve Irion will pair off with 6ft.11in. freshman Roosevelt Bouie. Bouie was named Player of the Year by the New York Sportswriters Association in both his junior and senior years in high school while averaging over 30 points an outing.

The crop of ten Syracuse lettermen include senior Jim "Bug" Williams. The Bug flitted for over 15 points a game last season. Notre Dame transfer Bill Drew and 6ft.8in. Louis Orr along with high school all-state hoopsters Hal Cohen and Cliff Warwell are also expected to spearhead the Orangemen's attack.


If Harvard advances past the Syracuse squad which senior' guard Jonas Honick calls "definitely beatable", they will vie for the championship with pre-tourney favorate! UMass Saturday night.

The Crimson five will not open their Ivy League schedule until December 15, when they face Dartmouth at the IAB.
