
Police Discuss Organizational Changes

Union Negotiations Continue

Contract negotiations between the Harvard Patrolmen's Association and the University are progressing slowly, with the major issues so far being organizational changes that each side is proposing rather than wages.

Lawrence Letteri, president of the Patrolmen's Association, said yesterday that one of the key issues in the negotiations is the association's request that the police hire 12 new patrolmen.

17 Per Cent

Letteri said crime in the Harvard area has increased 17 per cent in the past two years, and additional patrolmen are needed to ensure the security of the community.

David L. Gorski, chief of police, said yesterday that in the past few years the number of patrolmen has gone down from 62 to 50, but that the decrease has been a result of promotions within the force rather than a change in its total size.


Gorski said he questions "what they feel 12 additional people will do."

He said the extra patrolmen will cost $150,000 to $200,000 and will not necessarily decrease crime at Harvard.

Gorski said that rather than increasing its size, the force should concentrate on crime prevention activities and on internal reorganizations.

Gorski said the changes he proposes include:

* Reallocating personnel so that assignments are based on an area's need;

* Creating additional shifts and different time periods for the regular shifts; and.

* Setting up specialized positions based on ability rather than seniority.

Letteri would not comment specifically on Gorski's proposals. He has been advocating an increase in the size of the force for more than a year.

Wages and vacations have also been an issue in the negotiations. Letteri said, but Gorski said that "we just started to talk about economics."

Edward W. Powers, director of employee relations and Harvard's chief labor negotiator, said yesterday that "progress is being made" in the negotiations, and that he hopes for an agreement in the near future.

Letteri said the negotiations are "stalemated as usual," but said he hopes for a breakthrough soon.

He said he was pleased that Powers, a former associate director of personnel, returned to Harvard this month from a state job.

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