
The Quad: Problems and An Alternative

Noted in Passing

Radcliffe Quadrangle Houses hit a new low in popularity this year, as the administration had to force 130 freshmen who had applied to River Houses as their first choices up to the Quadrangle.

The banishment caused a furor in the Yard and got the wheels rolling in the Committee on Houses and Undergraduate Life in an attempt to come up with quick alternatives to the housing crisis.

Although the year ended before the CHUL could make any concrete recommendations, within the near future a few drastic changes in housing assignment procedures may take place.

The implementation of something along the lines of the Yale housing plan received the greatest attention from both administrators and students.

Under the Yale plan, students would be assigned to Houses as they enter the freshmen class.


The CHUL and the Harvard Overseers' Visiting Committee on the Harvard-Radcliffe Relationship also considered proposals this year to house all freshmen in the Quad and sophomores in the Yard. The switch would be designed to alleviate the present situation where many people spend their sophomore years outside the House system in Claverly and Canaday Halls and in the Yard, while others are placed into Houses.
