
Fall Reorganization in Athletic Department May Affect Yovicsin's Post in Administration

A major reorganization in the department of athletics may change the job description of John Yovicsin, director of physical training and recreation.

Baaron Pittenger, associate director of athletics, said yesterday it is not clear what changes will occur next fall and that all efforts will be made to retain Yovicsin.

"His status will probably change next fall," Pittenger said. "Either he will assume additional duties or he will exchange duties in the department."

'Winningest Coach'

Yovicsin, who was unavailable for comment yesterday, has been director of physical training and recreation since 1970. Before this job, he was head football coach for fourteen years, retiring only after open heart surgery. "He was the winningest coach in Harvard's history." Pittenger said.


Pittenger cited the 1970 Faculty decision to dissolve the compulsory physical education requirement as a reason for the decline in Yovicsin's duties.

"The rumors that are in circulation about finalized changes in the department are premature," Pittenger said. "The final form of the department reorganization will not be known until the beginning of the academic year.

Last fall, Dean Rosovsky appointed James Bailey, management consultant, to work with the department of athletics. Bailey has been working directly with Robert B. Watson '37, director of athletics, in an attempt to streamline expenditures and facilitate the reorganization.

Part of this reorganization came last week with the announcement that Andronike Janus, assistant to the President of Radcliffe for special projects would become the first woman assistant director of athletics. The distribution of duties between her post and that of Eric Cutler, currently the only assistant director, is similarly unsure, Pittenger said.
