
Overseers Give Approval To Equal Access Policy

The Harvard Board of Overseers yesterday gave final approval to institution of equal access admissions, a unified Harvard-Radcliffe admission office for first year and the other recommendations of Strauch Committees.

The Harvard Corporation and the Radcliffe Trustees endorsed the proposed changes earlier this month.

F. Stanton Deland '36, chairman of the Overseers, said yesterday that there was very little discussion of the Strauch report before it was adopted because the Overseers discussed it at their last meeting and had ample time to become acquainted with it.

The Overseers Subcommittee on the Harvard and Radcliffe Relationship recommended last month that the Overseers adopt the report at yesterday's meeting.

Helen H. Gilbert '36, chairman of the subcommittee, said yesterday that her committee reported to the Overseers on Sunday evening.


Equal Everything

In addition to calling for admissions merger and equal access, the Strauch recommendations include; intensified recruiting efforts for women students, faculty and administrators; equalization of facilities and prizes for men and women; one dean of the merged admissions office; men and women in equal positions on the admissions committee; improvement of the Quadrangle housing facilities; no substantial increase in the size of the undergraduate student body at this time; the setting up of a standing committee on admissions and financial aid; and a thorough review of equal access after three years.

Both L. Fred Jewett '57. Harvard dean of admissions and financial aid, and Alberta Arthurs, Radcliffe dean of admissions, financial aid and women's education, have previously said that they expect the merged admissions offices to be ready to select the Class of 1980.

No dean of admissions has yet been named, but President Bok is expected to make the appointment before the fall term begins.

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