
Gallo Backers Picket Against Wines Boycott

Abour 20 employees of the distributor of Gallo wines for the Boston area counter, demonstrated last night outside the Harvard Provision Co. against picketers there who have for several months been urging a boycott of Gallo wines.

The counter-demonstration was the first of its kind at the Pro. picketers supporting the boycott said.

The counter-demonstrators--salesmen and drivers for the C. Pappas Co., Inc.--said they came of their volition and on their own time.

"I'm on commission, so I'm not getting paid for being here," one salesman said. "What I am doing here is just trying to protect my livelihood," he added.

The Pappas group, comprised of only men, most of whom were in their thirties or older and wore sportscoats and ties, stood apart from the younger, anti-Gallo picketers, except for occasional debates, ermed "reasonably polite and peaceable" by members of both sides.


Hurting Badly

A young man who said he is Pappas' wines salesman for Cambridge admitted the boycott "is hurting him badly." He said he, not the Pappas management, was the organizer of the counter-demonstration.

Members of both groups said that Cambridge police stopped by twice, but added that the police took no action on either occasion.

Michael Chusid an anti-Gallo picketer, said supporters of the boycott hope to organize large numbers of sympathizers to stand across from the Protonight to "show them that we're not intimidated." He said he expects the Pappas employees to return tonight.
