
In Progress

More Monsanto

President Bok said at his press conference this week that administrators are now "in the process of preparing a more detailed statement" on Harvard's $23 million research and development agreement with the Monsanto Company.

Bok said the statement, which will be out "in a very few days," comes partially in response to an editorial in The Boston Globe this week that called on Harvard "to answer some of the troubling questions surrounding the research contract."

Replacing Phelps

Reginald Phelps, director of continuing education, is retiring at the end of the year--and his departure is sparking a reexamination of the entire program as it is now administered.


A three-member committee chaired by Peter S. McKinney, administrative dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, is looking into the problem, and is considering centralizing the operations of continuing education's various branches here.


The Cold-Type Composition Center this week began training its employees to work on new equipment that has set off a University union controversy.

The University's purchase of the equipment led the Boston Typographical Union to file for a National Labor Relations Board hearing in order to stave off possible layoffs of its own members whose work the new equipment would replace. The workers who trained on the equipment this week are members of the Graphic Arts International Union.

Task Forces

Dean Rosovsky this week named chairmen and staff members for his seven task forces on undergraduate education. The chairmen are all academics--all except President Horner, full-time teachers--and the staff members, all administrators.

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