
Kirkland Downs 'Throp; Mather Rolls

In a battle of undefeated teams, perennial intramural tackle football champion Kirkland House, led by former varsity gridders Burrelle Duvauchelle and Marty Foye, yesterday took a giant step to this year's title by taking over first place from Winthrop, 20-0, in a windy afternoon game at Soldiers Field.

After Kirkland's victory, a quick Mather team, which earlier this year played Kirkland to a scoreless tie, dropped an overmatched Quincy eleven, 22-0, amid the lengthening shadows at Soldiers Field.

Wet and Wild

Kirkland combined a fluid offense and a swarming defense to dominate the previously unscored-upon Winthrop squad in the game's second half, following a penalty-ridden first-half defensive battle interrupted only by Foye's one-yard scoring burst. The touchdown was set up by a 12-yard run by Duvauchelle.

K-House lost no time in adding to its first half lead, scoring on its possession in the second half. Behind an overpowering line, quarterback Fran Hickey sent Foye up the middle and Duvauchelle around end as Kirkland marched in from the Winthrop 45 in eight running plays, with Hickey scoring on a keeper. Foye powered off tackle for the two-point conversion, giving Kirkland a 14-0 lead.


Winthrop, whose passing attack was hampered by the strong winds, got no first downs in the half. The team's deepest penetration of the half followed Kirkland's kickoff, when Winthrop moved the ball barely across midfield on an offside penalty against Kirkland. But Winthrop, stalled by a holding penalty, had to punt the ball away.

Mounts Another Attack

Kirkland immediately mounted another scoring drive, highlighted by Duvauchelle's 25-yard carry up the middle, and a well-executed reverse for the touchdown.

Winthrop and Kirkland had played to a scoreless tie in a pre-season scrimmage. Winthrop, now 3-1-0, shares second place with Eliot.

An opportunistic Mather team recovered two fumbles, line-backer Eric Turner intercepted two passes and Joel Arnason a third in a decisive victory over a Quincy team which never put together a scoring threat. Mather scored on the first play after a Quincy fumble on a 22-yard sweep around right end, gaining a one-touchdown lead it held through the first half.

Mather converted Quincy's second fumble, and Arnason's interception into second half touchdowns, the first on a three yard pitch around right end, and the second on a 25-yard pass.
